Mental health therapy charlotte NC

When you suffer from allergy symptoms, you want to know the cause so you can take steps to avoid the allergen and get relief from your symptoms. Dr. Gaffney offers skin allergy testing at her clinic to help identify the allergen behind your symptoms.
During testing, the skin on your forearm s pricked with several different potential allergens. If your skin reacts to the allergen, typically indicated by the development of a red bump, then it’s likely the cause of your symptoms.

Once we know to what you are allergic, Dr. Gaffney designs a treatment plan to help you get relief from your allergy symptoms. The best way to avoid allergy symptoms is to avoid the thing that causes them. However, that is not always possible especially if the cause is environmental, such as pollen, and you can’t avoid them. Dr. Gaffney may provide treatments aimed at making you feel better.
You are not alone. We are here to help you.


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